The Midwest's Premier Klezmer Band Since 1983
If you want to know more about our education and outreach activities, visit our not for profit organization at klezmermusicfoundation.org.
To support our educational and
outreach work, please donate here:
For Performances Outside of the Chicago Area (National and International)
​11-Pc (Full Band)
(11 Pieces: 3 Vocalists + Clarinet, Violin, Sax, Trumpet, Trombone, Keyboard, Bass, Drums): $10,500
10-Pc Band
(2 Vocalists + Clarinet, Violin, Sax, Trumpet, Trombone, Keyboard, Bass, Drums): $10,000
Expenses if Flying:
Ground Transportation (rental cars, Taxi/Uber, etc. between airport, hotel, and venue)
Hotel (one room per musician)
Sound System and Engineer (see Tech Rider for 11-Pc)
Backline (Drum Kit, String Bass and Amp, Keyboard and Amp)
Per Diem or 2 meals/day per musician
Expenses if Driving:
Gas/mileage per car
Hotel (one room per musician)
Per Diem or 2 meals/day per musician
If Lisa Fishman is in the band, add $600 (airfare)
$500 additional per workshop. See link: here.
Some options:
-Shtetl Dancing: How to Dance to Klezmer Music
-Starting your own community klezmer band
-Klezmer Violin and String Workshop for all levels and ages
-Klezmer Clarinet Workshop for all levels and ages
-Singing in Yiddish

Photos by Kent Sievers