The Midwest's Premier Klezmer Band Since 1983
If you want to know more about our education and outreach activities, visit our not for profit organization at klezmermusicfoundation.org.
To support our educational and
outreach work, please donate here:
Raves & Testimonials
Featured Quotes
"The Maxwell Street Klezmer Band conjures joy from thin air while at the same time freeing the deep
waters of the soul. It has contributed so much to our radio broadcasts over the past 40 years. Its
live performances on "Folkstage" have been and will continue to be a gift to all of our listeners."
- Rich Warren host/producer Emeritus WFMT Radio, Chicago
“What an outstanding performance we had yesterday! The people that you sent were talented and wonderful musicians, their attitude was perfect, their selections were great—they really made the event. It was a wonderful spirit that they provided. Everyone came over and told us it was perfect. We’re delighted!” - Monica, Event Chairperson, 2024
“The Maxwell Street Klezmer Band is incredible and authentic. They made our congregation’s 100th Anniversary truly special."
- Rabb Todd, Temple Judah, 2022
"These are fine musicians...they care about the music. And when they care—I care."
- Theodore Bikel
Actor, Singer, "Tevye" in Broadway's Fiddler on the Roof
"Maxwell Street Klezmer Band brought the highest level of energy and musicianship, captivating the audience with their spirit and sound. You could see the gratitude on the faces of everyone in the room."
- Cantor Jesse Holzer
Jacksonville Jewish Center, Florida, 2015
"The Whole Megillah with Charles Troy and the Maxwell Street Klezmer Band was one of the best events that has ever taken place in our Temple. It was loving, warm, exciting, inspiring and educational. It was also filled with Jewish feeling. The Whole Megillah far exceeded my expectations.”
- Rabbi Gary Klein
Temple Ahavat Shalom, Palm Harbor, FL
"The Maxwell Street Klezmer Band just might be the absolute best klezmer band in the world. When they played in Peoria, they drew a capacity crowd of foot-stomping, cheering, standing-ovation, dancing-in-the-aisle exuberant fans. And what fans! Young, old, in-between, high-school students, college students, and other musicians--of every color, creed, and religion.
"The Jews in the audience were clearly in their element, loving every traditional song the band offered. And the gentiles in the crowd were instantly converted to the cause by the high spirited, brilliant music that is a convergence of European melodies, jazz rhythms, and Dixieland energy.
When the Maxwell Street Klezmer Band performs, they don't just play. They dance, they talk, they joke, and they celebrate right along with the audience. We can't wait to have them back again. It doesn't get any better than this!"
- Jeff Huberman
Dean, Slane College of Communications and Fine Arts Bradley University, Peoria, IL
Regarding March 9, 2009 concert for Chabad House, Peoria, IL
"After all, Klezmer is music made for dancing and celebrations; and when the Maxwell Street Klezmer Band from Chicago joins in, the result is a memorable evening. Two visitors commented during the intermission that, after the pop-music-influenced and jazzy Klezmer Festivals of the last years, this was great. Band leader Lori Lippitz casts a spell on the audience with her intimate singing and understated presence. Violinist Alex Koffman stands out among the excellent musicians of the band. The enchanted audience embraced the lively, upbeat performance with their enthusiastic applause and clapping, and at the end of the night it was hard to part company with these engaging artists."
- Claudia Schuller
A review from Fuerther Nachricten (Germany), March 16, 2007
"...On behalf of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, I would like to extend our sincere thanks to you for Maxwell Street Klezmer Band's participation in Day of Music...Almost 15,000 people attended...Your generosity was very much appreciated...and helped to make this day an extraordinary community experience."
- James M. Fahey
Assistant Artistic Administrator, CSO, Chicago
"'Sheer delight' is the best phrase I can use to describe the reaction by our patrons to the Maxwell Street Klezmer Band performance. People left raving about the experience. Each performer had at least one selection in which to showcase their impressive talent. Among the comments I heard were "Wow! Those two Polish clarinetists were absolutely amazing!" and "They were all such excellent players!" and "The violinist was fantastic, such a character..." and, especially this one: "Thank you for thinking outside the box with our programming and bringing this group to Green Bay." I give credit to director/performer/emcee Lori Lippitz for introducing each number to set up the drama or humor, and providing just a dash of historical context for each selection."
- Christopher S., 2022
"Sensational!" - Mid-Kansas Jewish Federation
"The Band was AMAZING!!!! Super nice and fun music!"
- Ron Oestreich, MBA, CPRE, Executive Director, Bolingbrook Park District